In March of 2014 I purchased a 1984 Vanagon GL passenger Volkswagon Vanagon. This was a GL passenger van. I've wanted a vanagon since i was a kid. I remember my childhood friend Jason Gibbons and his family had a two tone orange and creme colored vanagon that - even in elementary school - i was drawn to. I always thought IF i found a vanagon at the right price, i would love to get one.
Now - with that being said - another fact - I love to shop at Thrift stores. a few months before i purchased the van, i happen to be shopping at a local thrift store and I ran across an RC Helicopter - not a crumby Airhog one, but a competition ready Align Trex 250 for the price of @15! i didn't know anything about Heli's, but i knew enough to realize that if a large RC helicopter (like 22" long) with large Carbon Fiber blades, batteries, aluminum case, controller, etc. was there for such a measley price - you should buy it.
So I did. For about 2 months i attempted to fly this beast. If you've never flown a larger RC Heli - they take an amazing amount of skill to fly. Each time i attempted to just hover with this contraption - inevidebly, it would end in a part breaking - which would then result in a $50 repair. After MANY visits to the local RC store and numerous custom orders - i came to the conclusion that perhaps RC helis were not for me.
About the same time i came to this conclusion - i happen to stroll into yet another thrift store. This particular establishment - in addition to selling the standard old tired clothes, used tire chains, broken camp chairs and other whatnots - also had a 'donated vehicles' lot. It was within this area that i stumbled across a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon GL passneger van. The price was quite attractive - $500 as is. It certainly presented a conundrum.
After looking over the van - i thought - MAYBE i could sell the damn RC helicopter for half the funds needed to purchase this van. Sure - there was a TON of work that needed to be put into it. the engine was completely disassembled. I CANNOT understate the state of disrepair this van was in. The engine was literally torn apart - down to the connecting rods separated, the crankshaft laying in a pile of metal pieces that may or may not have consisted of a complete engine, VW parts, subaru parts, some engine related, some not - laying in the middle of the van. but there was ALOT of parts and pieces there, maybe enough to assemble an engine - but probably not...
After a ferw weeks - the van was finally available on a 'Half price' day - so i took the plunge - taking my proceeds from the RC Helicopter that i sold on ebay for $240 - and purchasing the vanagon. And so - the journey began.
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